Tuesday, December 18, 2007

dear my beloved best friend

it puts me on an awkward situation,
don't know what to say,
don't know what to do,
one thing i want you to know is,
i'll always be at your side,
whether you need me or not...


Anonymous said...

Yes..i know that i am not alone dear as still many people are surround me including you..and i am sure that all of you loves and care of me with sincerity..
its only all about timing and we'll see the final result..
for sure i will keep struggle for this until one day you will see that my hands will be up as a sign that i'm give up, no worries..it still takes time.

dhiraestria dyah said...

my best-anonymus-friend:
yes, you absolutely should struggle for this.
i know you do..
and i'm waiting the time you raise your hands and say "yes, i did it! i did up againts that 'thing'!"
the time that will be your convalescent-life.

Unknown said...

Thanks Dhir:)
Is the posting dedicated for me????
hehehe..ge er

dhiraestria dyah said...

Thea, kalo posting ini bisa membuatmu tidak merasa sendiri dan kesepian, yes it's dedicated for you dear..

Anonymous said...

i wish i could dear, i will..but sometimes there is always a but..when you feel it, deal with it, face it, there will be one moment you will really feel its only to make you happy, as it is "again" start to gnaw on your body..just like embexxle your world than its just not that easy to be cope..
again its all about timing, not in the matter of "give up" in term of harafiah but in the matter of acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Just wrote this poem when i read again your blog:

[Sebuah perjalanan..
Menebar pesona..
Menyentuh asa..
Terdiam pada satu titik pandang..
Terkesan begitu indah bahkan “beyond the expectation”..
Langkah kaki semakin terpacu ‘tuk melaju kencang
Terkesan mulai berlari..
Menggapai harapan memuaskan hasrat..
Tarikan nafas mulai terasa berat..
Sesuatu masih mengganjal..
Betah bertahta pada tempatnya..
Urung tuk ditinggalkan bertahan pada pendirianya..
Perasaan menghinggap..seonggok harapan coba dibangun,..
Sebuah penataan tentang yang namanya hidup..
“dimana akhirnya?”
“kapan akan nerakhir”
Sekedar menjadi pertanyaan wajib tatkala kegundahan itu datang..]

again...its only a matter of time..:-)