Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Some people said that within 40 days, the spirit is still around us. Some people say that it is superstition. Somehow, I love to believe that it is true. Knowing that she is still here can release my downhearted feeling.
I started to pray, stop smoking, cheering up my self, and trying to always be a nice person, I really don't want to make her disappoint and sad when she sees me in a bad condition.
It's been 40 days now. There is a little discouragement realizing that she wouldn't be around anymore. All I can do is wish that she has halcyon days there..
Live for the living, that is the quote starting now.
keep thanking for all love and support, God, family, and friends.
Thank you

PS. Picture by Agus Bebek


Koelit Ketjil said...

Don`t worry she will be fine `up` there :)
karena hanya kepadaNya beliau kembali
40, 100, ato seribu hari asal kau ttap mendoakan, beliau masih hidup dlm memory biologis mu

cheer up

Anonymous said...

wah long time no visit to your blog bu...:-)

well, there always a time when farewell need to be faced but the rule is everything just gonna be fine as long as acceptance are there.

dhiraestria dyah said...

Aliyth & Anonymous,
Thanks a lot. Acceptance is the key word.. ;)